Mika is the Chief Canine Officer and faithful companion to Strategic Communications CEO, Kathy Mills. Born on March 7th in 2013, Mika will turn 8 this year. Possessing a lot of sass and attitude, Mika’s facial expressions are worth a thousand words. It’s not difficult to tell when she’s embarrassed, especially around the holidays when the ugly doggie sweaters come out. Personable, sweet, loveable, and intelligent are a couple of other qualities that define Mika. She can sit, come, lay, shake, potty on command, and take you by the arm, leading you to wherever she wants to go – which is more than likely to the pantry to receive a Greenie.

When Mika’s not busy patrolling the third floor for head rubs and treat handouts, you can find her lounging cool tiles of Kathy’s office bathroom. She spends time with her cousin Kenzo, Sabar, Yori, Diesel, and Maple rather than making new furry friends. Her guiltiest pleasures include eating White Castle Cheeseburgers and long walks in the woods.

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