Every month, the employees at Strategic Communications are given the opportunity to acknowledge exemplary colleagues within or outside their department. Three individuals were chosen by their coworkers for their commitment to customer service, perseverance in the face of challenges, and can-do attitudes!

Carrie Maynard | Accounts Receivable Specialist
• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
9 months.
• What was your background prior to working for Strategic Communications?
Bachelors in Mathematical Economics and worked in accounting for the past 8 years.
• What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding or fulfilling?
I love working for a company where everyone pitches in and helps out when one person is out or struggling.
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Push yourself a little each day.
• Outside of work, what are you passionate about/enjoy doing?
I love my husband, my dog Jax and my hot tub!
• What is something that people may not know about you?
We took our Beagle Jax to the beach with us this year!

Collin Palmer | Application Support Analyst
• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
A bit over 4 years.
• What was your background prior to working for Strategic Communications?
Before Strategic, I was a student at Eastern High School. I received 3 years of Programming experience in Java, JavaScript, and C#, as well as Computer Repair, Security, and Networking fundamentals.
• What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding or fulfilling?
The most satisfying part of my job is when you’ve been wracking your brain for hours trying to meet a goal, and that second that you make a breakthrough everything starts to fall into place.
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
The best career lesson that I’ve taken to heart so far is: Never give up. Things may seem difficult now, but stick with it. See it through, and everything will feel so much more rewarding when the dust clears.
• Outside of work, what are you passionate about/enjoy doing?
After work, I enjoy Watching Netflix, playing Video Games, Photography, listening to music, and learning new things.
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
My favorite show currently is between “The Last Kingdom” and “Shadow and Bone” (hurry up with season 2 please, Netflix). Really anything with a compelling story has a good chance to catch my attention though!
• What is something that people may not know about you?
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved animals. I have had a lot of unique encounters with them, including a young serval, a white Bengal tiger cub, a wild hummingbird (long story), and even a wild Red Fox!

Vernon Clark | Project Manager
• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
I am going on 3 years.
• What was your background prior to working for Strategic Communications? )
I have been doing telecommunication installations all over the US, and have even done a major fiber job in Iraq.
• What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding or fulfilling?
When customers are pleased with the install.
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
To always be on time. All my life I was raised that if you were not 15 minutes early to work you were late, and I live by that still to this day.
• Outside of work, what are you passionate about/enjoy doing?
My family, fishing and when I can get out I enjoy golf, even if I’m not any good at it.
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
I don’t really have a favorite, right now I’m watching Longmire.
• What is something that people may not know about you?
I am the youngest of 6 kids (My brother is the oldest, 4 sisters, then me).
Inspirational Quote for July
Winston Churchill
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
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