Every month, the employees at Strategic Communications are given the opportunity to acknowledge exemplary colleagues within or outside their department. Three individuals were chosen by their coworkers for their commitment to customer service, perseverance in the face of challenges, and can-do attitudes!
Nathan Neutz | Accounts Receivable

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
Since last May, so close to 9 months now
• What is one thing you can’t live without?
My family. They’re very caring and I’m blessed to have them
• What has been your biggest accomplishment on our team?
I feel like being able to close out most of the large contracts I was responsible for by the end of 2022 was a pretty big accomplishment.
That doesn’t sound like much out of context, but one of them had 28 ship-to locations, so it was a lot to keep track of on both the accounting and logistics sides.
It was a good opportunity to use everything I’ve learned from multiple departments, as well as work as a team with sales, accounting, logistics, and purchasing. I learned a lot and feel much more competent than when I started out
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
My favorite TV show lately has been The Owl House on Disney Channel. It’s a really good cartoon with strong themes and story writing. I recommend it to people whenever I get the chance
Crystal Newman | Sales Admin

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
In October it will be 12 years
• What is the best career lesson learned so far?
Always cover yourself, be able to explain any decision you make
• What is the one thing you can’t live without?
My son Cobe
• What has been your biggest accomplishment on our team?
Being able to help customers when they call in, and assisting sales reps by getting the paperwork ready for them to make big sales
• If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Hannah (from the Bible), her story was so touching to me. She was barren and begged God in prayer for a son and because of her mild spirit and faith she was blessed with Solomon.
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
Hunter. I went back to the 80’s and remembered I used to love that show
Spencer Coleman| Systems Admin

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
Almost 2 years
• What was your background prior to working for Strategic Communications?
I worked as an Information Systems Technician, with a focus in cyber security, for the US Navy
• What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding or fulfilling?
Information security and cyber security are a passion of mine, so it is rewarding to work in this industry
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Never assume anything.
• Outside of work, what are you passionate about/enjoy doing?
Reading, mentoring, family time
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
My Favorite Podcast is MSP Zone
• What is something that people may not know about you?
I was in the eye of two major tornadoes, when Henryville, IN was demolished in 2012.
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