Every month, the employees at Strategic Communications are given the opportunity to acknowledge exemplary colleagues within or outside their department. Three individuals were chosen by their coworkers for their commitment to customer service, perseverance in the face of challenges, and can-do attitudes!
Nathan Neutz | Accounts Receivable

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
About 2-3 months. Since the start of June
• What was your background prior to working for Strategic Communications?
Academically I went to college for Informatics, which is an IT adjacent major that is less programming-focused. Professionally I’ve worked on and off as a school photographer for around 3 years now. I’ve actually gotten a few awards for some of the pics I’ve taken
• What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding or fulfilling?
Knowing people appreciate me when I’m able to help them out. Pretty much everyone here is very comfortable expressing gratitude and asking for help, and it’s comforting in its own way
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
People you know are able and willing to help you reach your career goals
• Outside of work, what are you passionate about/enjoy doing?
I enjoy video games, both playing them and coming up with ideas for my own. Haven’t made one yet, but I’d like to
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
Show: The Owl House, Podcast: The Cas Cast, Book: The Giver
• What is something that people may not know about you?
Hmmm… I can do a standing split?
Matthew Witt | Service Administrator

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
Right after high school I took an internship Strategic offered me and I worked here for about 3 months during the summer of 2017. Now Starting back up this year in May, in total It’s about 6 months.
• What was your background prior to working for Strategic Communications?
Academically, in 2017, I took the internship in order to see if Information Technology would be something that I would be interested in as a career. I was about to attend WKU to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy and really wanted to get hands-on experience, if I could, with IT and this was a great place to do so
• What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding or fulfilling?
Honestly, I think wherever somebody chooses to work, it’s always going to come down to the people you work with to some degree. And that’s perfect for me, because I enjoy working with every single person in this company and being able to communicate with them and assist in any way that I can. It’s honestly a pleasure.
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
I would say the best lesson that I’ve learned so far is to make sure to always stay on your toes and be vigilant
• Outside of work, what are you passionate about/enjoy doing?
I’m a nerd. I like games, skateboarding, enjoying/playing music, messing around with electronics and IT stuff like fixing computers and working on cars, etc.
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
Better Call Saul is probably one of my all-time favorite shows. That’s a show that has a lot of mental meat and cheese to pull apart and really enjoy. And it’s long! I don’t really read, which I’d like to get into so I’m open to any suggestions
• What is something that people may not know about you?
A while back I picked up a hobby of video editing. Honestly it died off, because I couldn’t afford the software, but I really enjoyed it. I started because I wanted to capture my weight loss journey. Started a “Fitsta” and everything it was embarrassing looking back on it, but I really enjoyed it. Like really enjoyed it!
Susan Sandidge | Sales Admin

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
I celebrated 4 years last month!
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
If the coffee pot is nearly empty make another pot
• What is one thing you can’t live without?
Sunglasses, I’ll leave my phone and wallet at home before I leave without my sunglasses
• What has been your biggest accomplishment on our team?
Not dognapping everyone’s puppies
• If you could meet anyone in the world, dear or alive, who would it be and why?
Stephen Hawking or Carl Sagan – Who wouldn’t like to say they talked about string theory with an astrophysicist
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
The Puzzler by A.J. Jacobs. I’ve also been listening to a good amount of old Car Talk episodes now that they are out on podcast
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